Open Days, 13-14 March 2024, Valence, France 


The GREENERING OPEN DAY is exciting event where industry will open the door particularly for those interested in the green technologies such are supercritical fluids. The event is focused on the building of new knowledge on green technologies implemented in industry. Also, it is created to bring the new green bridges between industry and scientific community. It will be a place for discussion on how to implement processes at the industrial scale and what are the main barriers that these industries have came across.

Event agenda and how to participate - link

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3rd GREENERING Entrepreneurship course

The 3rd GREENERING Entrepreneurship Course will be held at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica (Portugal), between the 26th and 28th of September 2023.
We invite all of you to participate.
The course is addressed to all PhD students and post-doc/junior researchers that want to transfer the technology they are working on into industry or just want to learn about entrepreneurship and technology transfer into industry.
The participants will be organized into teams of ca. 3 participants with one technology. The participants can come already organized as a team or not.
The Participants will be granted up to 350 EUR, of travel expenses plus 100 EUR of daily allowance which includes 1 day before and after the course for traveling (max. 500 EUR).

You can register in the following link

The Schedule of the course will be:

  • 26th of September - Module 1: Technology transfer into industry and idea generation
  • 27th of September - Module 2: Market and Business model development.
  • 28th of September - Module 3: Elevator Pitch and final presentation.

The course includes both tutorial and hands-on lectures.
For more information please contact Alexandre Paiva (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Expertise and contacts

New section - Expertise and contacts

Here you can find the expertise of Greenering members as well as their contacts and affiliations.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Action Details

  • MoU - 041/19
  • CSO Approval date - 04/06/2019
  • Start of Action - 14/10/2019
  • End of action- 13/04/2024
    Former end of action - 13/10/2023