3rd GREENERING International Conference



You can apply for EU Cost Action Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) grants which financially support a presentation of the own original work given by Young Researchers (<40 years old) or Early Career Investigator* (ECI) affiliated with an institution Located in an ITC country* participating in the Action. The ITC Grants are aimed for participation in high-level, international conferences such as 3rd GREENERING International Conference.

*Early Career Investigator (ECI) - An individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent).
*The current list of ITCs include: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine.

How to apply for the ITC GRANTS
Firstly, you will have to find the Active Cost Action that aligns with your research, and that have open ITC call. You can browse the cost actions here, or you can see the list of the some COST Actions that we recommend for the founding as they are targeting the same topics as 3rd GREENERING International Confeerence:

Techno-economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies (TrANsMIT)
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Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment (CircularB)
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Cross-border transfer and development of sustainable resource recovery strategies towards zero waste (FULLRECO4US)
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Weather Intelligence for Renewable Energies (WIRE)
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Future of plant-based food: Bridging the gap of new proteins and FLAVOURsome (FLAVOURsome)
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Fundamentals and applications of purple bacteria biotechnology for resource recovery from waste (PURPLEGAIN)
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EU Circular Economy Network for All: Consumer Protection through reducing, reusing, repairing (ECO4ALL)
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European Network In CHEmical Ecology: translating the language of life into sustainability (E-NICHE)
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Medicinal plants for animal health care: Translating tradition into modern veterinary medicine (MedPlants4Vet)
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Cyber-Physical systems and digital twins for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries (CYPHER)
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Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science (PANGEOS)
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Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention, management, quantification and valorisation (FoodWaStop)
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European metal-organic framework network: combining research and development to promote technological solutions (EU4MOFs)
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While you must have profile on e-COST platform, you do not have to be a COST Action participant in order to apply for the ITC grant, however we strongly recommend for you to join the Cost Action. COST Actions are highly interdisciplinary and open, and by focusing on networking activities, COST Actions help to advance knowledge and strengthen the research and development sector. Additionally, they are creating an opportunity for researchers to meet and discuss ideas, complex problems can be addressed in a targeted way, across a large geographical area.
All applications must be submitted directly through the e-COST platform, using personal active account. If you do not have an e-COST Account yet, you can create one on the following link

Typical requirements for the application for ITC grant are:
1. Within e-COST platform you will need to create a “Conference Grant Request”.
2. You will need to submit the following documentation:

  • ITC Conference Grant application form (you can download this through the system).
  • CV (including list of academic publications).
  • Short description of your involvement COST Action/ Motivation letter.
  • Acceptance letter from the conference organisers (confirming either your speaking slot or your poster presentation).
  • A copy of the abstract or poster submitted to the conference.

*Some Cost Actions have different requirements which are usually stated in the description of ITC calls within the Cost Actions.

ITC Grants

A Conference ITC Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected Grantee. These Grants do not necessarily cover all of the expenses related to participating in a given conference. Depending on the Cost Action, amount of ITC grants typically warries from 700 to 2000 € for Face-to-Face events, and 500 € for Virtual Participation.
If you have been selected as an ITC Conference Grant Recipient, you will receive your grant after the conference. After your conference, the e-COST System will automatically ask you to submit a Scientific Report, which you need to provide in the 30 days after the Conference has ended. We will send the grant to your bank account once your scientific report has been approved.

Selection procedure

In addition to the formal eligibility criteria all applications are generally assessed against the following criteria of scientific merit:

  • Does the conference (or topic of the panel etc.) fall within the remit of COST Action?
  • Is the topic of the conference proposal within the remit of COST Action and will it likely make a significant contribution to the debates within the action?
  • Is the proposal internally coherent, logical, with a clearly discernible structure?
  • Is the presentation likely to make a significant contribution to the candidate’s scientific and professional development?
  • Preference will be given to papers being submitted to conferences with competitive peer-review;
  • Gender balance will be taken into account.

For more details you can contact ITC Grant coordinator which exist for each COST Action and his email you can find  on COST Action web site.


Foods Travel Award was launched in 2024, and it is presented every year to encourage junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences in the field of food research, which helps to increase their influence. The application will open from June to November and winners will be announced by the end of January the following year.

The Prize:

  • CHF 500;
  • A certificate.

Number of Winners: 2

3. ACS Student Communities Professional Meeting Grant

Purpose: To encourage active ACS Student Chapters, ACS International Student Chapters, and ACS Graduate Student Organizations (ACS GSOs) members to attend and participate in professional conferences, like an ACS Meeting, by covering associated registration fees, lodging, and/or transportation costs for one or more students.

Description: Your group can request up to $225 for a virtual conference, $500 for an in-country meeting (within the country your group is located), or $2000 for an out-of-country conference (requiring travel to another country) to support chapter members attendance. Amount of grant is subject to change. Applications must be received at least three months before the conference begins to be considered. If more applications are received than the allotted number of awards, your application will be rolled into the next quarter. You may receive this grant up to two times per year.

Eligibility: Student communities must meet the following criteria:

  • Have ACTIVE status with ACS.
  • For student chapters and international student chapters, you must have submitted at least one chapter report within the last three years.
  • Have at least six student members with a premium package.
  • It is highly encouraged that at least one member should present a paper or poster at the professional meeting.
  • All students listed as a traveler/presenter must be an ACS student member with a premium package.

Notification: Awarded funds will be sent to the university or chapter bank account. The faculty advisor will be responsible for appropriate disbursement of funds. If funds do not arrive in your account prior to your event, the funds can be used as a reimbursement for out of pocket costs directly associated with the awarded activity.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Action Details

  • MoU - 041/19
  • CSO Approval date - 04/06/2019
  • Start of Action - 14/10/2019
  • End of action- 13/04/2024
    Former end of action - 13/10/2023